Division Chairs

Nanoscale Science & Technology

Nikolai N. Klimov

E-mail: nikolai_klimov @ avs.org

NIKOLAI N. KLIMOV is an Experimental Condensed Matter Physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg MD. He received his B.S. and M.S. in physics and applied mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) and Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics from Rutgers University. His expertise is in physics and nanofabrication of semiconductor devices and structures, photonics-based nanoscale sensors and standards, and low-dimensional systems including devices based on 2D atomic crystal materials.

Nikolai’s current research at NIST is focused on the development of new field-deployable, nanophotonics-based quantum SI sensors and primary standards for temperature, pressure, vacuum, humidity, and radiation dosimetry. In addition, to projects related to integrated nanophotonics quantum SI metrology, Dr. Klimov is also developing grating-based devices for next-generation neutron interferometric imaging; strongly interacting hybrid quantum systems on a chip, in which ensembles of cold atoms and cold molecules are coupled to nanophotonic devices and structures; and topologically ordered systems for quantum information processing based on lithium niobate platform.

Dr. Klimov is a recipient of NIST-ARRA Postdoctoral Fellowship (NIST/University of Maryland), Distinguished Associate Award (NIST), and Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award (NIST). Dr. Klimov has been in AVS symposium since 2010, when he was a postdoc at NIST/University of Maryland. Nikolai has been actively involved in conference organization. He serves as an organizing committee member at Frontier in Optics and EIPBN conferences. He organized one of the Focus Topics for AVS 65 symposium. Dr. Klimov is currently serving a 2-year appointment as an Executive Committee member of Nanoscale Science and Technology Division (NSTD) at AVS.

Nikolai is committed to helping to grow the Nanoscale Science and Technology Division (NSTD), promoting AVS goals, expanding the knowledge of nanoscale science and technology, and creating an impactful program for conference meetings.