Awards > National Professional and Technical Awards > Peter Mark Memorial Award

Peter Mark Memorial Award


To recognize outstanding theoretical or experimental work by an early career scientist or engineer.


The nominee must be an early career scientist or engineer in academia, government, or industry who has contributed outstanding theoretical or experimental work, at least part of which must have been published in an AVS Journal. The nominee must have worked in a scientific/technical field(s) for no more than 10 years (cumulative) after receiving their Ph.D. In any given year an individual may provide a nominating or supporting letter for only one candidate for each award. The award shall be granted without restrictions except that current members of the Board of Directors and the Awards Committee are not eligible. Further, no member of the Awards Committee may nominate or support any nomination. The AVS Awards Committee reserves the right to consider a candidate for a different award category.

Nature of the Award

The award consists of a cash award, a plaque, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium. Travel expenses of the awardee to the meeting at which the award will be presented shall be reimbursed.

Establishment and Support

This award is a memorial to Dr. Peter Mark, who served as Editor of the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology from 1975 until his death in 1979. It was established in 1979 with an initial endowment from the AVS Greater New York Chapter. Significant additional contributions were made at the time by Hans and Herman Mark, AVS Electronic Materials and Processing Division, the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces Conference, and several individuals.

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2024 - Jason Kawasaki
“For epitaxial synthesis and strain engineering of Heusler films and freestanding membranes”

2023 - Deep Jariwala
“For pioneering contributions to the development and characterization of heterostructures for new low-power electronic and opto-electronic devices”

2022 - Rudy J. Wojtecki
“For outstanding contributions towards the future of computing through the application of supramolecular and dynamic covalent chemistries in the design of surfaces for area selective depositions”

2021 - Bharat Jalan
Bio  | Newsletter Interview
“For excellence and international leadership in metal-organic molecular-beam epitaxy of complex oxide heterostructures for new electronic materials”

2020 - Rehan Kapadia
Bio | Newsletter Interview
For pioneering work in hot-electron emission and electrochemical devices”

2019 - Prof. Stephanie Law
Bio | Interview Transcript | Newsletter Interview
For the epitaxy of novel materials and heterostructures for optics in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral ranges”

2018 - Prof. Peter Bruggeman
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For studies that have provided fundamental insights into nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure discharges and the underlying mechanisms enabling biomedical applications”

2017 - Prof. Markus Valtiner
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For advancing understanding of physical and chemical mechanisms at molecular, nano- and microscales that impact adhesion and friction at electrified interfaces and for the development of novel stimuli-responsive materials”

2015 - Dr. Petro Maksymovych
“For high level frontier chemical and physical contributions to nanoscience”

2014 - Joshua Zide
“For pioneering work in the growth and characterization of novel electronic and photonic materials”  

2013 - Daniel Gunlycke
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For significant contributions to the understanding of the electronic properties of low-dimensional graphene nanostructures.”

2012 - E. Charles H. Sykes
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For pioneering atomic-scale studies of chirality, catalysis, and molecular rotation."

2011 - Mohan Sankaran
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For the development of a tandem plasma synthesis method to grow carbon nanotubes with unprecedented control over the nanotube properties and chirality."

2010 - Arutiun Ehiasarian
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For seminal contributions to the science and application of high power impulse magnetron sputtering."

2009 - Beatriz Roldan Cuenya
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For pioneering contributions to the understanding of processes taking place in metal nanocluster-catalyzed chemical reactions."

2008 - Sergei Kalinin
"For pioneering work in the area of nanoelectromechanics and local properties at surfaces."

2007 - W.M.M. Kessels
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For pioneering work in the application and development of in situ plasma and surface diagnostics to achieve a molecular understanding of thin film growth."

2006 - Mark C. Hersam
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For outstanding contributions to the development of silicon-based molecular electronics."

2005 - Jane P. Chang
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For pioneering work in the synthesis, processing and characterization of novel materials for applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics."

2004 - Kathryn W. Guarini
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For development of novel devices and innovative techniques for nano-pattering using proximal probes and chemical self assembly."

2003 - Charles H. Ahn
"For pioneering work on epitaxial complex oxide thin film hetrostructures."

2002 - Rachel S. Goldman
"For contributions to the fundamental understanding of strain relaxation, alloy formation, diffusion, and the correlations among microstructure, electronic, and optical properties."

2001 - Eli Rotenberg
"For furthering our knowledge of nanophase and reduced dimensionality systems by creative use of angle-resolved photoemission."

2000 - Stacey F. Bent
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For seminal studies of Diels-Alder chemistry at semiconductor surfaces, and for contributions to a fundamental understanding of the reaction processes underlying semiconductor growth and functionalization."

1999 - Eray S. Aydil
"For pioneering work in the development and application of optical diagnostic techniques to understand the chemistry and physics associated with plasma deposition of dielectric thin films."

1998 - David G. Cahill
"For his seminal contributions to the atomic level understanding of thermal conductivity in thin films and surface roughening/smoothing mechanisms during film growth and etching."

1997 - Brian S. Swartzentruber
"For pioneering studies of atomic-scale, kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of the morphology of Si surfaces, and significant innovations in scanning tunneling microscopy that make such measurements possible."

1996 - Brian E. Bent
"For seminal research leading to molecular level understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics of surface chemical reactions relevant to heterogeneous catalysis and to materials deposition."

1995 - Emily Carter
"For her pioneering research in combining ab initio quantum chemistry with molecular dynamics in the study of important problems in heterogeneous catalysis and semiconductor processing.

1994 - Marjorie Olmstead
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For elucidating the nature of semiconductor surfaces and the heteroepitaxial growth of insulating materials on these surfaces."

1993 - Robert J. Hamers
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For outstanding contributions to the development of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy as tools for quantitative analysis of the electronic properties of surfaces."

1991 - William J. Kaiser
"For innovative applications of electron tunneling techniques."

1990 - Stephen M. Rossnagel
"For contributions to understanding and applications of magnetron and ion beam sputtering."

1989 - Randall M. Feenstra
"For original applications of scanning tunneling microscopy to the study of atomic scale geometric and electronic structure of surfaces."

1988 - Jerry Tersoff
"For innovative approaches to the theoretical understanding of the electronic structure, properties, and measurement of surfaces and interfaces."

1987 - Raymond T. Tung
"For his research on the growth and properties of epitaxial silicides and for major contributions to the understanding of metal/semiconductor interfaces."

1986 - Richard A. Gottscho
"For his insightful applications of spatially and temporally resolved spectroscopic techniques to the diagnostics and modelling of processing plasmas."

1985 - Franz J. Himpsel
"For his contributions to the understanding of the electronic structure of materials through the use of angle-resolved energy band mapping, surface core level spectroscopy and inverse photoemission spectroscopy.

1984 - Barbara J. Garrison
"For developing computer models of ion-solid interactions to obtain fundamental insights into the collision processes; and to obtain analytical bonding, and structural information."

1983 - James Chadi
"For innovative, accurate models and theoretical techniques applied to surface structure determinations."

1982 - Charles W. Magee
"For imaginative developments of secondary ion mass spectrometry as a qualitative analytical tool for the solution of material problems."

1981 - Lawrence L. Kazmerski
"For demonstrating the correlation between the electrical and chemical properties of interfaces in polycrystalline photovoltaic devices."

1980 - Christopher R. Brundle
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For significant impact on the scientific and technological community in a wide range of activities, including pioneering research in the development and application of photoelectron spectroscopy to surface science and catalysis, publication and technical leadership."