Awards > Nomination Procedures Guidelines

Nomination Procedures for Professional Awards:

  1. Make sure to read and share with your letter writers: Tips on How to Craft an Effective Nomination and Strong Support Letters 
  2. Review the descriptions, qualifications and selection criteria for various awards and select the award for which you are submitting a nomination package.
  3. Examine the PDF summary of the nomination fields and questions and required support information for the specific award for which a nomination is being prepared.
  4. Answer all of the questions about the nominee in relation to the award criteria on the online submission site under each of the tabs.
  5. After entering the required information in each tab, the nominator must also upload the following supporting documents to complete the package:
    • Three supporting letters (PDF Format) referencing the above criteria 2 pages maximum (font 11 or higher). Make sure to read and share with your letter writers: Tips on How to Craft an Effective Nomination and Strong Support Letters
    • CV* (PDF Format) which should include education, employment history professional recognition and awards. 5 pages maximum
    • Full list of Publications, Patents, and Invited Talks *(PDF)

*It can be effective (not required) to organize the CV and Publication list to highlight topics or areas particularly relevant to the nomination.

All material must be uploaded by the deadline of March 10 at 11:59 PM ET. It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure that all supporting letters and required documents are uploaded by this deadline. No extensions will be granted.

Professional Awards are judged based upon the following criteria:
  • Scientific Impact to Fields of Interest to AVS, including contributions to education, training, management of science 
  • Collective Quality of letters 
  • Appropriateness to Award Criteria 
  • Professional Service and Contributions to Scientific Community, especially AVS 

  • Nominations for the Professional Awards remain active for three cycles.
  • For each annual submission deadline an individual may nominate or support only one candidate for each award.
  • AVS awards are presented annually with the exception of the Gaede-Langmuir Award and the John A. Thornton Award, which are biennial: the Gaede-Langmuir Award in even-numbered years and the John A. Thornton Award in odd-numbered years.
  • If the nominee is not selected, the nomination will automatically rollover to the next award cycle. However, we do encourage nominators to update the package before the next award cycle.
  • After the third award cycle, the nomination will expire and a new nomination package will need to be submitted.
  • Nominations for AVS National Professional Awards are reviewed each year by the AVS Awards Committee, which recommends awardees to the Board of Directors. If an insufficient number of nominations has been received for a particular award, the Committee may elect to make no recommendation.
  • The AVS Awards Committee reserves the right to consider a candidate for a different award category.
  • Current members of the Board of Directors and the Awards Committee are not eligible.
  • No member of the Awards Committee may nominate or support any nomination.
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