About AVS Topical Conference Endorsement or Sponsorship
AVS endorses and sponsors many topical conferences each year. These conferences with a specialized focus are held worldwide. Members are encouraged to organize a topical conference in their area of expertise. Benefits of endorsement or sponsorship include promotional assistance via e-mails, inclusion in the AVS Newsletter and on the AVS Website. In addition, AVS staff can provide a full range of
conference management services.
Endorsement and Sponsorship Benefits
AVS endorsed and sponsored topical conferences benefit from publicity in the AVS Newsletter and on the AVS Website. Upon approval, your conference will automatically be listed in the Calendar section of the Newsletter and on the AVS
Events Calendar.
Sponsorship Benefits
A major benefit of AVS Sponsorship is the opportunity to publish selected conference articles in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (JVST), Biointerphases (BiP) or Surface Science Spectra (SSS).
Conference Management Services
AVS offers professional conference management services for AVS sponsored conferences, including site selection, contract negotiation, publicity, registration, and more. Check out the complete list of conference management services and select as many as you need to ensure the success of the program.
Endorsement and Sponsorship Requirements
Conference/Meeting Report
Approximately one month after the meeting, you are required to submit a conference report for inclusion in the AVS Newsletter. This summary report should be between 500-1000 words and include information on the meeting's success, any exciting new technologies that were discussed and their potential impact on the research and industrial communities, and special events and exhibits associated with the conference. This follow-up publicity should enhance attendance at subsequent meetings.
Attendee List & AVS Membership Fee - A few weeks after the meeting, you are requested to provide AVS an electronic copy of your attendee list. If the conference opted to provide a one year AVS Silver Membership for $15 per non-member attendee, AVS will provide an invoice following the meeting based on this submitted attendee list. Access to the Technical Library will begin as soon as this payment is processed.
Literature Display Table
You are requested to display AVS literature at a table in or near the registration area. This helps us promote AVS benefits and other topical conferences like yours. Please remember to send shipping details at least one month prior to the conference.
Apply for AVS Conference Endorsement or Sponsorship
Before completing the form, the following guidelines must be met:
- The requesting group must be a valid scientific or educational organization
- The proposed topic must be of interest to AVS members
- The proposed conference must not be in conflict with an AVS conference on a similar topic.
The AVS Topical Conference Committee reviews all requests for endorsement or sponsorship to assess whether the subject of a proposed conference is appropriate for AVS and to ensure that it does not involve any schedule conflicts with other AVS activities. The committee Chair presents its recommendations to the AVS Board of Directors for their consideration and final action.
For questions about conference endorsement or sponsorship, please contact Della Miller,
della@avs.org, 530-896-0487.