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Thursday, February 13, 2025, 1PM - 2PM EST

Event: AVS Professional Development Webinar: From Idea to Entrepreneur: Practical Advice to Build Your Business
Location:  Virtual/Online
Contact:  Angela Klink
Web: https://avs.swoogo.com/avsplc_0211

This one hour webinar, which features a structured and interactive panel discussion, aims to discuss the various factors that must be considered and balanced when building up a business. Featuring a panel of successful entrepreneurs at various stages in the startup process, the first portion of the webinar will highlight the unique experiences of each panelist as a business owner and expert on business formation and growth. The panelists, will focus on the various stages of creating a successful business including:

  • Finding initial funding opportunities,
  • Building a self-sustaining company with internal revenue and
  • Establishing external funds to continue business growth

Following this panelist discussion, there will be an interactive Q&A section to address pre-submitted and live questions from attendees on the topic of entrepreneurship and building a successful business.


Thursday, February 27, 2025, 10AM - 6PM EST

Event: NCCAVS 44th Annual Equipment Exhibition, NCCAVS Technical Symposium and 12th Annual Student Poster Session
Location:  Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley, 46100 Landing Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538
Contact:  Chris Malocsay

The NCCAVS sponsors an Annual Equipment Exhibition to showcase products and services of companies supporting vacuum-related industries.

Largest Attendance of any AVS Chapters or Divisions. * Speaker events at capacity. * Extended hours provide ample time to engage all attendees. * Lunch, Evening Reception and Cocktails at no cost to attendees.

Held In Conjunction with:

  • NCCAVS Technical Symposium
  • 12th Annual Student Poster Session

Tuesday, March 04, 2025, 10AM - 5PM EST

Event: AVS National Online Short Course Program (Spring 2025)
Location:  Online/Virtual
Contact:  Heather Korff


  • Controlling Contamination in Vacuum Systems (3/4/25)
  • Introduction to Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (3/5/25)
  • UHV Design and Practices (3/6/25)
  • Partial Pressure Analysis with RGA (3/7/25)
  • Semiconductor Device Manufacturing Overview (3/11/25)
  • Plasma Enhanced ALD: Basics, Equipment and Applications Day 1 - half day (3/12/25)
  • Sputter Deposition (3/13/25)
  • Plasma Enhanced ALD: Basics, Equipment and Applications Day 2 - half day (3/14/25)

Sunday, March 23, 2025, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: Area Selective Deposition Workshop (ASD 2025)
Location:  TBD, Leipzig, Germany
Contact:  Ralf Tonner-Zech

The ASD conference is a workshop dedicated to Area Selective Deposition – mainly by ALD and CVD.
It occurs between March and April every year. It is a 2 Days Meeting (monday. tuesday) with 2 additional days: tutorials on Sunday and an all-day invited talks on Wednesday (not only on ASD), with an attendance of 100-150 people each year.

Thursday, April 24, 2025, 1PM - 2PM EST

Event: AVS Publications Professional Development Webinar: Responding to Reviewer Comments
Location:  Virtual/Online
Contact:  Rachel Bayne
Web: https://avs.swoogo.com/pubs_revwrcom0425

Navigating the peer review process can be challenging, especially when faced with critical feedback on your manuscript, and effectively responding to reviewer feedback is crucial in the success of your publication. In this webinar, we will share best practices in crafting and structuring your responses and answers to difficult scenarios that may arise during the review process. Our panel of AVS journal editors will be available to answer your questions to boost your chances of success in publishing!


Thursday, April 24, 2025, 3PM - 7PM EST

Event: AVS Hudson Mohawk Chapter - 2025 Spring Meeting
Location:  University at Albany, SUNY. ETEC building, Room B011. 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12226
Contact:  Aleksandra BiedronMarco Hopstaken

Participation in a local AVS chapter provides an excellent opportunity to interact in a smaller venue compared to the larger national conferences, affording the participants time to focus on presentations of scientific work that is happening in our immediate geographic proximity, along with ample time for professional networking.

The local chapter meetings are an ideal setting for students and early career researchers and professionals to present their research. Therefore, student participation is strongly encouraged. Established professionals are also welcome to submit abstracts, which could include recent studies, or provide overviews of topics of general scientific interest to the society and chapter members. 

Registration is required, but free and open to non-AVS members. Pizza and refreshments will be provided at about 6:00 pm. At the end of the meeting, awards will be given for the best student oral and poster presentation(s). The student award winner(s) will be given a certificate from the AVS and publicized in the AVS Newsletter.

Monday, May 05, 2025, 8AM - 5PM EST

Event: AVS New Mexico Chapter Symposium, Short Courses, and Exhibition
Location:  Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel, 2910 Yale Blvd SE. Albuquerque, NM 87106
Contact:  David Adams, e-mail: david_adams@avs.org

The annual New Mexico AVS Technical Symposium will feature scientists and engineers at all levels of their career with special emphasis for students, technologists, and early career researchers. This interdisciplinary, one-day forum allows for emerging scientists and engineers to present their research and collaborate with new colleagues. For students especially, the friendly exchange is valuable practice for future conferences and job presentations.

Short courses are offered on a wide variety of topics. Our vendor exhibit annually provides an exceptional opportunity to reach individuals from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Labs, Air Force Research Laboratory and local industries such as Intel, Emcore and CVI Laser. Faculty and students from The University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, and New Mexico Tech are frequent attendees.

Sunday, May 11, 2025, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: ICMCTF'25- International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films
Location:  Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA 
Contact:  Heather Korff

The ICMCTF is internationally recognized as a vibrant technical conference that integrates fundamental and applied research focused on thin film deposition, characterization, and advanced surface modification techniques.  ICMCTF is the premier international meeting in the field promoting global exchange of information among scientists, technologists, and manufacturers.  The conference draws more than 800 attendees each year with multiple oral technical sessions and a well attended poster session which is a major component of the technical program.

Sunday, May 11, 2025, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: ICMCTF'25 - International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films: Short Course Program
Location:  Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA 
Contact:  Heather Korff

The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF) will host a series of Short Course Modules following four (4) tracks. The modules will be in two (2) hour increments. You may add and select any combination of tracks and modules of interest. These modules will take place Sunday-Thursday, May 11-15, 2025 in the Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, CA. 

  • Track 1 (T1) – Plasmas in PVD Deposition
  • Track 2 (T2) – Growth of Thin Films
  • Track 3 (T3) – Control of Film Properties
  • Track 4 (T4) – Toolbox for Coating Research
Review Schedule and Register Online

Friday, May 16, 2025, 8AM - 4PM EST

Event: AVS Board of Directors’ Meeting
Location:  San Diego, California
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

In conjunction with ICMCTF 51.

Saturday, May 17, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: 68th Annual SVC TechCon and Exhibition
Location:  Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville, TN
Contact:  svcinfo@svc.org

Join us in Nashville, Tennessee for the largest exposition dedicated to vacuum coating technologies and materials. Hear the latest R&D results and applications from industry engineers, academics, and scientists from around the world, highlighted by prominent keynote and invited speakers.  The education program includes 36 practical and problem-solving tutorial courses.

Tuesday, May 27, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: International Conference on Electron, Ion, Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN 2025)
Location:  Hyatt Regency Savannah, Savannah, Georgia
Contact:  James Owen and Richard Silver

The international EIPBN conference is recognized as the premier gathering of scientists and engineers who are dedicated to electron, ion and photon lithography, imaging and analysis; atomically precise fabrication; nanofabrication process technologies and related emerging technologies; and their applications in a broad spectrum of fields. The EIPBN is where researchers from academia, government laboratories, and industry from around the world meet to present and discuss recent trends and future directions in these technologies. 

Sunday, June 22, 2025, 8AM - 7PM EST

Event: 25th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2025) / 12th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2025)
Location:  Jeju Island, South Korea
Contact:  Della miller

The AVS 25th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2025) featuring the 12th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2025) will be a three-day meeting dedicated to the science and technology of atomic layer controlled deposition of thin films and now topics related to atomic layer etching.  Since 2001, the ALD conference has been held alternately in the United States, Europe and Asia, allowing fruitful exchange of ideas, know-how and practices between scientists. This year, the ALD conference will again incorporate the Atomic Layer Etching 2025 Workshop (ALE 2025), so that attendees can interact freely.

Wednesday, June 25, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: International Plasma Technology Joint Conference 2025 (IPTJC2025)
Location:  Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Contact:  Kenji IshikawaJyh-Wei Lee

The International Plasma Technology Joint Conference 2025 is a prestigious event that gathers researchers and engineers worldwide. It will be held from June 25 to 28, 2025, at Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan. This conference combines three famous international conferences: the Global Plasma Forum from Japan, the International Workshop on Plasma Cryo Etching Processes from Europe, and the International Forum in Plasma and Thin Film Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals from Taiwan. The conference covers various plasma, plasma etching, coating, thin film, surface engineering, and surface modification subjects, making it an important event for researchers and engineers worldwide. 

Tuesday, July 08, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: 38th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2025)
Location:  Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland
Contact:  Agust Valfells

The International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference addresses topics related to vacuum nanoelectronics: Fundamental science, applications, and device fabrication. It consists of oral presentations with plenary talks and tutorials integrated into the agenda. There is also a single poster session. It is organized so that there are no parallel sessions. 

Monday, August 04, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: Gallium Oxide Workshop (GOX 2025)
Location:  University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Contact:  Mike ScarpullaSriram Krishnamoorthy

The 8th US Gallium Oxide Workshop (GOX 2025) is the premier forum to highlight domestic research in the rapidly emerging field of gallium oxide and related materials with high critical field strength. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a platform for reporting recent advances in materials and device development and identify scientific gaps remaining. The intent is to create actionable coordination across government, industry and academia to enable rapid transitional technologies in this field. 

Saturday, August 23, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: 39th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference (NAMBE 2025)
Location:  Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contact:  Ganes BalakrishnanSadhvikas Addamane

The North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference (NAMBE) is a prominent international forum for reporting scientific and technological developments in Molecular Beam Epitaxy research. The conference showcases important results from fundamental materials and device research, technological applications, and production. NAMBE features award presentations for MBE Innovator, Young Investigator, and Best Student Paper. Vendors will exhibit the latest equipment available for material growth and characterization. Exhibits will surround the coffee breaks and poster presentations, providing opportunities for discussions between attendees and vendors. Short topical workshops are also being considered the day before the main conference.

Sunday, September 21, 2025, 7AM - 12PM EST

Event: AVS 71st International Symposium & Exhibition
Location:  Charlotte, North Carolina
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition has been developed to address cutting-edge issues associated with vacuum science and technology in both the research and manufacturing communities. The Symposium is a week long forum for science and technology exchange featuring papers from technical divisions and technology groups, and topical conferences on emerging technologies. The equipment exhibition is one of the largest in the world and provides an excellent opportunity to view the latest products and services offered by over 200 participating companies. More than 3,000 scientists and engineers gather from around the world to attend. Short courses are offered in conjunction with the International Symposium providing specialized training in specific areas of vacuum science and related technologies. A Career Workshop and Job Center are also offered to all attendees. The Workshop covers such topics as résumé preparation, job search skills, networking, interviewing skills, and more. The Job Center provides the opportunity for job seekers to submit their résumés and meet with potential employers.

Sunday, September 21, 2025, 8AM - 4PM EST

Event: AVS Board of Directors’ Meeting
Location:  Charlotte, North Carolina
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

In conjunction with the AVS 71st International Symposium & Exhibition.

Saturday, October 25, 2025, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: TACT2025 International Thin Films Conference
Location:  GIS TAIPEI TECH Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Contact:  Sea-fue Wang

Since being established on September 3rd, 1999, the Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) has been growing into the most active society in the field of thin-film and coating technology in Taiwan. TACT 2025 is an important biennial event for knowledge exchange and offers an interactive platform of networking and collaboration for the community from academia and industry. It will cover a wide spectrum of research topics related to thin-film, coating and plasma technologies for sustainable energy, semiconductors, optoelectronics, flexible devices, and protective, tribological, organic, biological and functional coatings. 

Wednesday, November 05, 2025, 9AM - 6PM EST

Event: AVS Rocky Mountain Chapter Short Course Program
Location:  Denver-Westminster Double Tree Hotel, Westminster, CO
Contact:  Neil Peacock; e-mail: neil_peacock@avs.org

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of AVS will be putting on a short course program November 5-7, 2025 at the Denver-Westminster Double Tree Hotel on US36 in Westminster, Colorado.


Thursday, November 06, 2025, 9AM - 6PM EST

Event: AVS Rocky Mountain Chapter Symposium
Location:  Denver-Westminster Double Tree Hotel, Westminster, CO
Contact:  Neil Peacock; e-mail: neil_peacock@avs.org

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of AVS will be holding its Symposium on November 6, 2025 at the Denver-Westminster Double Tree Hotel on US36 in Westminster, Colorado.  In addition to the Symposium, the RMC will be putting on a short course program the November 5-7, 2025 at the same location.


Sunday, December 07, 2025, 12PM - 4PM EST

Event: AVS Board of Directors’ Meeting (via Zoom)
Location:  Online/Virtual
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

Virtual Meeting

Sunday, March 15, 2026, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: Area Selective Deposition Workshop (ASD 2026)
Location:  TBD, Albany, NY, USA
Contact:  Christophe ValléeKandabara Tapily

The ASD conference is a workshop dedicated to Area Selective Deposition – mainly by ALD and CVD.
It occurs between March and April every year. It is a 2 Days Meeting (monday. tuesday) with 2 additional days: tutorials on Sunday and an all-day invited talks on Wednesday (not only on ASD), with an attendance of 100-150 people each year.

Monday, March 16, 2026, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: Frontiers in Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics (FCMN 2026)
Location:  Monterey Marriott, Monterey, California
Contact:  James Liddle, Alain Diebold

The FCMN will bring together scientists and engineers interested in all aspects of the characterization technology needed for nanoelectronic materials and device research, development, integration, and manufacturing. All approaches are welcome: chemical, physical, electrical, magnetic, optical, in situ, and real-time control and monitoring. The semiconductor industry is evolving rapidly: the conference will highlight major issues and provide critical reviews of important materials and structure characterization and nearline/inline metrology methods, including hardware, data analysis, and AI and machine learning, as the industry both extends the technology deep into the nanoscale and increases the diversity of devices and systems.

Sunday, April 19, 2026, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: ICMCTF'26- International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films
Location:  Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA 
Contact:  ICMCTF Information

The ICMCTF is internationally recognized as a vibrant technical conference that integrates fundamental and applied research focused on thin film deposition, characterization, and advanced surface modification techniques.  ICMCTF is the premier international meeting in the field promoting global exchange of information among scientists, technologists, and manufacturers.  The conference draws more than 800 attendees each year with multiple oral technical sessions and a well attended poster session which is a major component of the technical program.

Sunday, June 28, 2026, 8AM - 7PM EST

Event: ALD/ALE 2026: AVS 26th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2026) featuring the 13th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2026)
Location:  Tampa, Florida
Contact:  Della Miller

The AVS 26th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2026) featuring the 13th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2026) will be a three-day meeting dedicated to the science and technology of atomic layer controlled deposition of thin films and now topics related to atomic layer etching.  Since 2001, the ALD conference has been held alternately in the United States, Europe and Asia, allowing fruitful exchange of ideas, know-how and practices between scientists. This year, the ALD conference will again incorporate the Atomic Layer Etching 2026 Workshop (ALE 2026), so that attendees can interact freely. The conference will take place Sunday, June 28 - Wednesday, July 1, 2026, in Tampa, Florida.

As in past conferences, the meeting will be preceded by one day of tutorials and a welcome reception. Sessions will take place (Monday-Wednesday) along with an industry tradeshow. All presentations will be audio-recorded and provided to attendees following the conference (posters will be included as PDFs). Anticipated attendance is 800+.

Sunday, August 02, 2026, 7AM - 7PM EST

Event: International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO 2026)
Location:  Washington, DC
Contact:  Marko Tadjer

Since 2015, IWGO has been the premier international event for dissemination of research results related to the growth, processing, characterization, and theory of Gallium Oxide and related materials.

Sunday, September 20, 2026, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: Liquid Metal Processing and Casting Conference
Location:  Hotel Albuquerque, Albquerque, New Mexico
Contact:  Jonathan Paras

The Liquid Metal Processing and Casting Conference (LMPC) was started by Sandia to disseminate knowledge from the scientific research conducted by our vacuum melt laboratory. The conference is peculiar in that 70% of the attendees are from industry rather than academic sources. The focus is on vacuum induction melting, vacuum arc remelting, and electroslag refining. We are looking to return it to the U.S.to revive vacuum metallurgy interest here among industrial and academic partners.

Sunday, November 08, 2026, 7AM - 12PM EST

Event: AVS 72nd International Symposium & Exhibition
Location:  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition has been developed to address cutting-edge issues associated with vacuum science and technology in both the research and manufacturing communities. The Symposium is a week long forum for science and technology exchange featuring papers from technical divisions and technology groups, and topical conferences on emerging technologies. The equipment exhibition is one of the largest in the world and provides an excellent opportunity to view the latest products and services offered by over 200 participating companies. More than 3,000 scientists and engineers gather from around the world to attend. Short courses are offered in conjunction with the International Symposium providing specialized training in specific areas of vacuum science and related technologies. A Career Workshop and Job Center are also offered to all attendees. The Workshop covers such topics as résumé preparation, job search skills, networking, interviewing skills, and more. The Job Center provides the opportunity for job seekers to submit their résumés and meet with potential employers.

Sunday, April 25, 2027, 8AM - 8PM EST

Event: ICMCTF'27- International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films
Location:  Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA 
Contact:  ICMCTF Information

The ICMCTF is internationally recognized as a vibrant technical conference that integrates fundamental and applied research focused on thin film deposition, characterization, and advanced surface modification techniques.  ICMCTF is the premier international meeting in the field promoting global exchange of information among scientists, technologists, and manufacturers.  The conference draws more than 800 attendees each year with multiple oral technical sessions and a well attended poster session which is a major component of the technical program.

Sunday, October 24, 2027, 7AM - 12PM EST

Event: AVS 73rd International Symposium & Exhibition
Location:  Portland, Oregon
Contact:  Yvonne Towse

The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition has been developed to address cutting-edge issues associated with vacuum science and technology in both the research and manufacturing communities. The Symposium is a week long forum for science and technology exchange featuring papers from technical divisions and technology groups, and topical conferences on emerging technologies. The equipment exhibition is one of the largest in the world and provides an excellent opportunity to view the latest products and services offered by over 200 participating companies. More than 3,000 scientists and engineers gather from around the world to attend. Short courses are offered in conjunction with the International Symposium providing specialized training in specific areas of vacuum science and related technologies. A Career Workshop and Job Center are also offered to all attendees. The Workshop covers such topics as résumé preparation, job search skills, networking, interviewing skills, and more. The Job Center provides the opportunity for job seekers to submit their résumés and meet with potential employers.

Sunday, September 17, 2028, 8AM - 5PM EST

Event: International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS 2028)
Location:  Montreal, Canada OR Monterey, California
Contact:  Mellissa PassarelliMichael Eller

Largest gathering of International SIMS experts in the field. Conference rotates between Asia, North America and Europe every 2 years. SIMS 2022 in Minneapolis was sponsored by AVS. We'd like to continue the strong association of SIMS with AVS. Event is typically Sunday to Friday, with Tutorials on Sunday, talks Mon-Fri, with a banquet event as well. Exhibit for vendors is an important component as well. Presentation of our bid must be made at the SIMS 2024 conference in early Sept 2024.