AVS Presidents: Past & Present

1953-1954 Joseph B. Merrill 1978 Leonard C. Beavis 2002 Rudolf Ludeke
1954-1955 Rudy A. Koehler 1979 Charles B. Duke 2003 Dawn A. Bonnell
1955-1956 John R. Bowman 1980 John L. Vossen 2004 Robert A. Childs
1956-1957 Andrew Guthrie 1981 Theodore E. Madey 2005 David Aspnes
1957-1958 Medard W. Welch 1982 John A. Thornton 2006 Christie R.K. Marrian
1958-1959 A. John Gale 1983 John R. Arthur 2007 Neal D. Shinn
1959-1960 Wilfrid G. Matheson 1984 Edward N. Sickafus 2008 John N. Russell
1960-1961 Benjamin B. Dayton 1985 Donald M. Mattox 2009 Gregory J. Exarhos
1961-1962 Luther E. Preuss 1986 Jack H. Singleton 2010 David G. Castner
1962-1963 Donald J. Santeler 1987 Paul H. Holloway 2011 Angus A. Rockett
1963-1964 Charles H. Bachman 1988 John W. Coburn 2012 Alison A. Baski
1964-1965 George H. Bancroft 1989 Joseph E. Greene 2013 Susan B. Sinnott
1965-1966 Hans A. Steinherz 1990 David W. Hoffman 2014 Steven M. George
1966-1967 Hubert W. Schleuning 1991 Lawrence L. Kazmerski 2015 Ivan G. Petrov
1967-1968 Paul A. Redhead 1992 James S. Murday 2016 David Surman
1968-1969 James M. Lafferty 1993 H. Frederick Dylla 2017 Charles R. "Chip" Eddy, Jr.
1969-1970 William J. Lange 1994 John R. Noonan 2018 Lisa M. Porter
1970-1971 Rointan F. Bunshah 1995 John H. Weaver 2019 Peter Sheldon
1971-1972 Daniel G. Bills 1996 William D. Sproul 2020 Amy Walker
1973 Maurice H. Francombe 1997 Gary E. McGuire 2021 Susan Burkett
1974 Dorothy M. Hoffman 1998 Jerry M. Woodall 2022 Timothy A. Gessert
1975 Lewis W. Hull 1999 Stephen M. Rossnagel 2023 Michael D. Williams
1976 N. Rey Whetten 2000 Paula J. Grunthaner 2024 David Adams
1977 Richard W. Hoffman 2001 Bruce Sartwell 2025 Bridget Rogers

From 1953 to 1971, terms of officers and directors ran from election at an annual meeting (usually in October) to the annual meeting one year later.

In 1971, officers and directors whose terms would have expired in October remained in office until December 31, after which all terms were for the calendar year.