Gaede-Langmuir Award


To recognize and encourage outstanding discoveries and inventions in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS.


A nominee must have made a major contribution to the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The contribution may be in the nature of a new invention, process or discovery; this shall include significant advances in theory, the discovery of a new effect, phenomenon or process, or the invention of a novel device, instrument, technique or measurement. In any given year an individual may provide a nominating or supporting letter for only one candidate for each award. The award will be granted without further restriction except that current members of the Board of Directors and the Awards Committee are not eligible. Further, no member of the Awards Committee may nominate or support any nomination.  The AVS Awards Committee reserves the right to consider a candidate for a different award category.

Nature of the Award

The award consists of a cash award, a plaque setting forth the reasons for the award, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium. This award will be conferred biennially and may be bestowed on more than one person in the event that several persons shared in the invention or discovery. Travel expenses of the awardee(s) to the meeting at which the award is presented shall be reimbursed.

Establishment and Support

The award was established in 1977 by an endowing grant from Dr. Kenneth C.D. Hickman.

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2024 - Reza Ghodssi
“For pioneering research on developing novel MEMS processes, fabrication, and technologies for micro, nano, and bio-devices and systems and their momentous impact on small-scale power, optical, and biomedical applications”

2022 - Robert Madix
“For ground-breaking research that advanced the development of surface science for understanding complex surface reactions and their relationship to heterogeneous catalysis”

2020 - David Ruzic
Bio | Newsletter Interview
“For the invention and commercialization of physical vapor deposition magnetrons and power supplies specifically for high-power impulse magnetron sputtering”

2018 - Prof. Michael Grunze
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For taking surface science beyond small molecules at surfaces to complex liquid/surface interactions, including polymers, biointerphases, and biomedical applications, through development of novel experimental approaches, theoretical simulations, and inventions”

2016 - Dr. Paul S. Bagus
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For seminal contributions to understanding Photoelectron Spectra of Solid Surfaces and Molecules adsorbed thereupon”

2014 - Hans-Joachim Freund
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For seminal contributions to the understanding and development of novel physical and chemical concepts about the behavior of atoms, molecules and electrons at catalytically-active surfaces”

2012 - Dietrich Menzel
Bio | Interview Transcript
“For major ground breaking and sustained contributions towards a comprehensive understanding of the energy transfer processes influencing the physical and chemical behavior of atomic and molecular species on metal surfaces"

2010 - Gerald Lucovsky**
"For the development of novel electronic materials for semiconductor science and technology"

2008 - Daniel Auerbach
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For contributions to the understanding of the dynamics of gas-surface interactions using molecular beam scattering techniques"

2006 - Leonard J. Brillson
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For demonstration of the fundamental importance of semiconductor interfacial bonding, metallurgical reactions, and defect formation upon solid state material and device properties"

2004 - Kunio Takayanagi
"For seminal elucidations of the structure of surfaces and nanostructures"

2002 - Cristoforo Benvenuti
"For the development of advanced gettering technology for particle accelerators, its application to efficient ultra-high vacuum pumping and its impact on the design of large systems"

2000 - Gary W. Rubloff
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For the inventive application of surface science and vacuum technology to the semiconductor industry, and for fostering an effective bridge between AVS research and manufacturing"

1998 - Paul W. Palmberg
Bio | Interview Transcript
"For his innovative and revolutionary inventions that resulted in the development of practical energy avalyzers for surface analysis by Augerelectron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy"

1996 - Gerald J. Lapeyre
"For the outstanding contribution to the development of photoemission spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation, and in particular for his innovative use of photon tunability and angle resolution, which influenced several generations of surface scientists"

1994 - Robert J. Celotta & Daniel T. Pierce
Bio | Bio | Interview Transcript
"For their innovative development of advanced, spin-polarized electron beam technology and their scientific contributions to atomic, surface, and microstructure physics"

1992 - Russell D. Young
"For his invention of the Topografiner, an instrument which led to the development of the scanning tunneling microscope"

1990 - Francois M. d'Heurle
"For contributions to the science of electronic materials, in particular the understanding of electromigration and silicide materials"

1988 - Alfred Y. Cho & John R. Arthur, Jr.
"For pioneering research in the invention and development of MBE and its application to advanced materials and devices"

1986 - Rointan F. Bunshah
"For his scientific and technical insight, demonstration, and continuing involvement in the worldwide implementation of low-temperature vapor-phase deposition of refractory films"

1984 - Albert Benninghoven
"For the development of concepts and instrumentation in static secondary ion mass spectrometry and the demonstration of its usefulness in manifold applications"

1982 - Alfred H. Sommer
"For inventions and development of photocathodes and secondary emitters used in a variety of applications such as vacuum tubes, high-energy physics, medicine and biology, astronomy, night vision, and television"

1980 - Daniel Alpert
"For his contributions to the production, measurement, and utilization of ultrahigh vacuum"

1978 - Pierre A. Auger
"For establishing the fundamental principle of Auger Spectroscopy which has led to he most widely used surface analysis technique of importance to all aspects of vacuum science and technology"

* This award will be given biennially in even numbered years.
** deceased