Awards > National Student Awards Procedures

National Student Awards Procedures:

  1. Examine the PDF description of the award requirements and summary of the web-based nomination fields, questions and required support information.*
  2. The student or a nominator must completely answer all of the questions on the online submission site under each of the tabs.
  3. Student Division/Group Awards require separate applications (one for National, one for the Division); you may use the ‘copy’ feature to create a copy of your entries.
  4. After entering the required information in each tab, the following supporting documents must be uploaded to complete the package:
    • A CV (PDF Format) for the student which should include education and employment history with dates, research interests, professional service and outreach, and recognition and awards. 2 pages maximum
    • The abstract (PDF Format) submitted to the AVS International Symposium and Exhibition for which the student is the presenter.
    • National Student Applicants: Please give this RECOMMENDATION GUIDELINE (PDF) to  your advisor. Your advisor will need to complete the required nomination form on line by the submission deadline.  
    • The Awards Committee heavily weights the information provided in the advisor’s nomination in their decision making process.  Please use those guidelines to create a strong nomination package for your student.
    • The request for Advisor recommendation is triggered by Submitting the nomination.  The student should submit the nomination well before the deadline as ample time must be allowed for the Advisor to provide their recommendation before the deadline.  Students should check with their Advisor to ensure the recommendation is complete on time.
All material must be uploaded by April 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET. It is the responsibility of the student/nominator to ensure that all documents are uploaded and that all questions are answered by this deadline.  No extensions will be granted.
Nomination for National Student awards are judged based upon the following criteria:
  • Research Contributions ‐ Body of Work, Quality, and Impact
  • Quality of Recommendation 
  • Publications and Presentations 
  • Professional Service and Recognition
  • Quality of AVS 70 (2024) Abstract
* word versions are available by contacting Angela Klink (

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