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Nanoscale Science and Technology - SPM Equipment Vendors

Commercial vendors of AFM/STM Equipment

SPECS Development and production of customized UHV surface analysis systems
Nanoscribe Develop products and services on the basis of Nanoscribe’s Two-Photon Polymerization technology
AFM Workshop Atomic force microscopes manufacturing company
App Nano Makes high quality and affordable AFM probes that are compatible with all major AFM’s
Asylum Research Multifunctional SPM for materials science, biology, and polymer studies
Bioforce Laboratories Specialized probes and supplies
GeTec Offers innovative Atomic Force Microscopy solutions for seamless integration into existing host systems like Scanning Electron
Infinitesima Video-rate AFM
JPK Instruments SPM and NSOM for life sciences
MikroMasch Cantilevers and gratings
Molecular Vista Designs, develops, and provides tools that allow its customers to probe and understand matter at the molecular level through quantitative visualization
Bruker Nano SPM for semiconductor characterization, biology, and polymer science
Nanosurf AG Modular SPM
Nanotools GmbH High Density Carbon scanning probes for AFM
Nanoworld Makes tips for Scanning Probe Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
Neaspec Designs, manufactures and distributes advanced nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy microscopes
Novascan Technologies AFM and functionalized SPM probes
NT-MDT (Molecular Devices and Tools for NanoTechnology)  Multifunctional SPM platforms
Park Systems AFM Technology
RHK Technology UHV STM and AFM, Universal controllers
WITec GmbH NSOM and Confocal Raman Microscopes