About AVS > Chapters, Divisions, & Groups > AVS Divisions > Applied Surface Science
The technical structure of AVS is organized as a matrix. Members can participate in one or more Divisions or Technical Groups, each of which is focused around a major topical area. Members may also participate in Chapters and Student Chapters, which are regional organizations that focus on local area needs.

Applied Surface Science

Advancing the Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

The mission of the Applied Surface Science Division of the AVS is to provide a forum for research and education in the preparation, characterization, modification, and utilization of surfaces and interfaces in practical applications. The current vision for implementation of the mission statement includes promotion of science and technology relevant to:
  • understanding solid/gas, solid/solid, and solid/liquid interfaces of practical importance
  • methods for characterizing these interfaces for composition, bonding, topology and structure
  • modification of interfaces to optimize the stability, reactivity or other properties of components and/or devices