Our mission is technical education and outreach to our local community. Our interests center on the development and analysis of surfaces, thin films and nanomaterials. We strive to have activities year round and bring state-of-the-art information to you. We typically host three casual chapter meetings per year. In the recent past we have gathered at a local restaurant for comraderie and featured a technical speaker followed by discussion. In the fall we host a larger symposium with invited speakers, a vendor exhibit, and a poster session. Traditionally in the spring we host day long short courses on topics like Basic Vacuum Technology, Thin Film Deposition, and Leak Detection. With funds that we raise we are able to sponsor a high school science teacher to attend the Science Educator’s Workshop at the AVS International Symposium. We are also able to sponsor a poster prize for a student to travel to the AVS International Symposium. Please browse our website for further details and historical information.
If you would like to receive communications on upcoming MN AVS activities, you can do either of the following:
- Join AVS (www.avs.org). If you reside in Minnesota or Western Wisconsin your email should automatically be added to our distribution list.
- Join MN-AVS LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1766427/)
AVS members and non-members are welcome to all activities.
Please contact us directly if you have any questions or suggestions: mnavs@avs.org
Your donation will help in AVS Minnesota Chapter's many activities including organizing the annual symposiums and supporting students and K-12 educators to attend the AVS national meetings and workshops.