Awards > Division Group Student Awards > Morton M. Traum Surface Science Student Award

Morton M. Traum Surface Science Student Award

The Surface Science Division (SSD) solicits nominations for the Morton M. Traum Surface Science Student Award to be given to the best student presenter at the AVS International Symposium. Who can apply? Candidates for the award must be registered to give an oral or poster presentation at the AVS International Symposium and be either a current graduate student or have received their Ph.D. degree in the year of the Symposium. Up to five finalists will be selected to compete with posters during the Surface Science poster session; these poster presentations are in addition to any presentation they are registered for at the Symposium but presents the same scientific content. What are the prizes? All finalists and the winner will receive cash prizes starting at $1000 for the winner, and certificates. The winner's name will be added to the list of previous winners on the AVS website, and on a plaque on display at the Symposium. How do I participate? Traum award applicants should submit on the AVS website 1) a copy of the abstract submitted to the AVS that includes the abstract submission number; 2) an extended abstract that does not exceed two pages (including tables, figures, and references); 3) their expected graduation date, 4) two letters of recommendation, and 5) an AVS application form for student awards.  Please use the online award submission site to complete your application. Deadline: May 13, 2024.

Awards Application

List of Recipients

1981 Eric Stuve 1998 Alexander Bogicevic 2015 Holly Walen
1982 Steven Gates 1999 Jongin Hahn 2016 Andrew Therrien
1983 Ann Smith 2000 Anders Carlsson 2017 Rachael G. Farber
1984 Hans Gossman 2001 Jeppe Vang Lauritsen 2018 Eric High
1985 Duan Outka 2002 Seth B. Darling 2019 Zhongtian Mao
1986 Greg Sitz 2003 Marcel A. Wall 2020 Sayantan Mahapatra
1987 Michael Henderson 2004 Emrah Ozensoy 2021 Ryan Hannagan
1988 Jeff Hanson 2005 Jan Haubrich 2022 Volkan Cinar
1989 Yunong (Neal) Yang 2006 Petro Maksymovych 2023 Audrey Dannar
1990 Benjamin Wiegand 2007 Bogdan Diaconescu    
1991 David Peale 2008 Jeibin Sun    
1992 Chaochin Su 2009 Qing Hua    
1993 Anna Swan 2010 Heather Tierney    
1994 Bert Müller 2011 David Siegel    
1995 Frank Zimmerman 2012 April Jewell    
1996 Joseph Carpinelli 2013 Xiaofeng Feng    
1997 Barry Stipe 2014 Feng Zhang    

 Winner of the 2023 Morton M. Traum Award

From Left to Right:
Award Committee member Zhenrong Zhang, chair Dario Stacchiola and finalists:
Alexander Michael Imre TU Wien, Austria.
Dairong Liu University of Illinois – Chicago
Audrey Dannar, Tufts University
Mari Isagoda Keio University, Japan.

Winner of the 2022 Morton M. Traum Award

Volkan Cinar (Winner 2022 Morton M. Traum Award), pictured with Traum Award Committee Chair Florencia Calaza

 Winner of the 2019 Morton M. Traum Award

Zhongtian Mao - Morton M Traub Award

Zhongtian Mao (Winner 2019 Morton M. Traum Award)