Awards > Division Group Student Awards > John Coburn and Harold Winters Student Award in Plasma Science and Technology

John Coburn and Harold Winters Award

About the Award
The PSTD Coburn & Winters Student Merit Award recognizes meritorious achievements by students in an area fostered and encouraged by the Plasm Science and Technology Division, while also encouraging student participation in the Division. The John Coburn and Harold Winters Award is given in recognition of outstanding research achievements and an oral presentation given by a Student Merit Award winner at the AVS International Symposium.

Eligibility and how to apply
The following materials are required to apply for the Award:
  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee
  • A one-page letter of recommendation from the student's research advisor/mentor,
  • A copy of the nominee's submitted abstract for the AVS International Symposium.
  • An eligible nominee must have their abstract accepted to the AVS International Symposium for the year they are nominated and be a registered student at the time of the earliest deadline for abstract submission. Only one student from a given research group may be nominated in each year and previous winners of the Coburn and Winters Award are not eligible.
All materials should be submitted on the awards application link below and must be received on or before May 13, 2024.

Selection process
A maximum of six (6) Student Merit Award finalists will be selected by the PSTD Awards Committee on the basis of technical/scientific merit and originality of research. Each Merit Award finalist will receive a $500 cash award and must present their research in a private session to the PSTD Awards Committee. This private presentation will be in addition to the regularly scheduled PSTD oral session at the AVS Symposium.
The Coburn and Winters Award winner will be selected from the finalists based on the quality of both the research and oral presentation. The overall winner will receive an additional $500 cash prize and certificate.

Winner announcement and award ceremony
The winner(s) of the Coburn & Winters Award will be announced during the PSTD Annual Business Meeting at the AVS International Symposium, or at a time determined by the Executive Committee. The award certificate will be presented to the recipient.

Awards Application

List of Recipients

1994 Bruce Kellerman 2005 Joseph Végh 2015 Hu Li
1995 Not Given 2006 Lin Xu 2016 Souvik Ghosh
1996 Jane Chang 2007 Joydeep Guha 2017 Hyun-Joon Roh
1997 Mikhail Malyshev 2008 Emile Despiau-Pujo 2018 Tahsin Faraz
1998 Catherine Labelle 2009 Yang Yang 2019 Adam Pranda
1999 Erwin Kessels 2010 Bhavib Jariwala 2020 Ryan Gasvoda
2000 Siva Kanakasabapathy 2011 Harald B. Profijt 2021 Xia (Gary) Sang
2001 Nicholas Fuller 2012 Joe Lee 2022 Annaëlle Demaude
2002 Lin Sha 2013 Rohan Chaukulkar 2023 Antoine Ronco
2003 Jan Benedikt 2014 Bastien Bruneau    
2004 Jun Belen 2014 Paul Rumbach