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Mark Engelhard
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Mark Engelhard is a Senior Research Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. With a career spanning over 40 years, Mark is considered a leading expert in the fundamentals and applications of surface-sensitive techniques. His research focuses on surfaces and interphases critical to environmental, energy, and catalytic systems involving collaborations with academic, government, and industrial partners.  Learn more


David Surman
Kratos Analytical Inc.

David Surman has been a long-standing member of the AVS. In 2009, Dave accepted the position as the Chair of the Exhibitor & Manufacturers Committee. In 2011, he was elected to the AVS Board of Directors where he served a two-year term from 2012-2013. During his term on the AVS Board of Directors, he served as Chair of the Membership Committee, a position he held until 2019 .  Learn more


Gregory J. Exarhos
Pacific Northwest National Labs

Gregory J. Exarhos, a Laboratory Fellow emeritus within the Physical Sciences Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), graduated magna cum laude from Lawrence University and received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Brown University. An assistant Professor at Harvard University, his group investigated cation motion in amorphous phases, phase transformation dynamics in amorphous materials, and electron-beam surface modification.  Learn more

DIRECTOR (2025-2026)

Sebastian U. Engelmann
IBM Quantum

Sebastian U. Engelmann is currently the System Component lead at IBM Quantum in Yorktown Heights, NY. He received his Vordiplom in Physics from the University of Würzburg, Germany in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2008.  In 2008, he joined the Advanced Plasma Processing Group at IBM.  Learn more

DIRECTOR (2025-2026)

Erwin Kessels
Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e

Erwin Kessels is a Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e and he is the Scientific Director of the NanoLab@TU/e clean room facilities. Erwin received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics from the TU/e in 1996 and 2000, respectively. His doctoral thesis work was partly carried out at the University of California Santa Barbara and as a postdoc he was affiliated to the Colorado State University and Philipps University in Marburg (Germany).  Learn more

DIRECTOR (2025-2026)

Marcy Stutzman
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Marcy Stutzman is a Staff Scientist in the Center for Injectors and Sources at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. She received her B.S. in physics from Penn State University and her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Virginia, where she studied electron transport mechanisms in semiconductors.  Learn more

TRUSTEE (2025-2027)

Dan Killelea
Loyola University Chicago

Dan Killelea is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Associate Dean for Grants in the College of Arts & Sciences at Loyola University Chicago.  His research focus is the chemical properties of metallic surfaces relevant to heterogeneous catalysis.  Learn more

TRUSTEE (2025-2027)

Jessica Hilton

Jessica Hilton is the President and CEO of SPECS-TII Inc., the USA-based subsidiary of SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH and the supplier of all SPECSGROUP and UNISOKU SPM surface analysis instrumentation in North America. Jessica received her B.S. in Engineering Science from Trinity University and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota.  
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