John Givens is currently located in San Antonio, Texas, as the Senior Consultant and President for Innovative Materials Group, Inc. He is a 1990 graduate of the Materials Science Department at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. He has focused his career on the innovation and development of materials and processes necessary to enable IC fabrication. His industrial experience includes Vice President of Engineering for Thomas West, Inc., with a focus on CMP pad material development and process implementation, and CMP Section Manager for VLSI Technology with the responsibilities of CMP manufacturability and process strategy. In addition to providing technology necessary for the manufacturing of ASIC's at VLSI, he has developed advanced multilevel interconnects for the production of high-density DRAM's at Micron Technology, Boise, Idaho, and advanced microprocessors at IBM in Burlington, Vermont. He has presented, authored and co-authored over 60 publications and holds 39 patents concerning advanced interconnect methodologies. He is a member of TMS, ASM, AcerS, ECS, MRS and IEEE. He is an active member of AVS for which he is an organizer of the International Conference on Microelectronics and Interfaces. He is also an editor for JVST B and Thin Solid Films.