Education & Outreach > Short Courses > Short Course Catalog > Vacuum & Equipment Technology > Controlling Contamination in Vacuum Systems

Controlling Contamination in Vacuum Systems

Controlling Contamination in Vacuum Systems

Course Objectives

  • Understand the three phases of vacuum chamber contamination: gases, films, and particulates.
  • Learn the origins of vacuum chamber contaminants and methods for controlling or eliminating them.

Course Description

Various forms of contamination in a vacuum system affect the environment in which vacuum processes are conducted. Understanding and controlling these contaminants are important steps in producing the desired chamber conditions or products.

This course addresses three phases of in-chamber contamination: gases, films, and particulates. The origin of these contaminants and methods of eliminating them are discussed. The emphasis is on defining the level of control required and identifying the appropriate procedures necessary to establish that control. There will also be discussion on the environment that must be achieved in the chamber and how it is related to the vacuum system operating and maintenance procedures and the environment outside the chamber.

This course is presented in a semi-workshop, interactive format.

Online Costs:
$350 – AVS Platinum Member
$400 – AVS Gold/Silver Member
$400 – Non-Member
$200 – Full Time Student

Course Materials

Course Notes

Course Cost: $790

Who should attend?

Those responsible for the production of contaminant-free products and for the design, operation, and maintenance of vacuum systems producing these products. The course will also interest suppliers of components and products that either control or produce contamination in a vacuum environment.


Tim Gessert
Principal Scientist and Managing Member, Gessert Consulting, LLC