Course Objectives
Review the following techniques: SEM, EDS, TEM, STEM, EELS, AFM, RBS, LEISS, GDMS, ICPMS, Atom Probe, XRD, XRF, IR, Raman, Ellipsometry, Light Microscopy.
Course Description
This one day course is designed to complement the XPS/AES and FIB/SIMS courses taught as part of the comprehensive analytical methods offering. It is not intended to be offered by itself.
The techniques covered, instrumentation for which is either available commercially, or analysis is available through major commercial analytical laboratories, provide a range of information used to characterize a sample. For example, SEM, TEM, AFM cover morphology and EDS, RBS, GDMS, ICPMS provide elemental information. For each technique, the underlying physical principal is described as well as sample requirements and application examples.
Course Materials
Course Notes
Course Cost: $790
Who should attend?
Scientists, engineers, technicians, and others who desire a practical, current understanding of XPS, AES, FIB, and SIMS and the other major surface and thin film techniques.
C.R. Brundle
C.R. Brundle and Associates