Awards > Division Group Awards > Theodore E. Madey Award

Theodore E. Madey Award

AVS, in cooperation with the Polish Vacuum Society (PVS), is pleased to solicit nominations for the 2027 Theodore E. Madey Award. In the spirit of its namesake, the Award fosters collaboration between Polish and North American scientists. The Awardee is sponsored to visit Poland, present a seminar at a university or conference, and engage in scientific discussions. The Awardee will be selected on the bases of: (1) outstanding theoretical and/or experimental research in areas of interest to the AVS and PVS, including surface science; (2) demonstrated leadership in international collaborative research; and (3) the potential to develop fruitful new international collaborations within the span of his/her career.

Required nomination materials include: 1) a letter from the nominator that describes the ways in which the applicant fits the criteria for this award; 2) two supporting recommendation letters; 3) CV (5 pages maximum) which should include education, employment history, professional recognitions (invited, appointed or elected positions), and awards; and 4) complete list of publications, patents, and invited talks. Nomination documents must all be in PDF format. 

Nomination materials will be reviewed, and the award winner will be selected, by a special committee consisting of both AVS and PVS members. The AVS and PVS contingents will alternate in taking the leadership in award selection, e.g. PVS in 2028 and AVS in 2026. Nominations are due in even-numbered years, and awards are given in odd-numbered years. Nominations are viable for two consecutive award cycles. Nomination materials for the 2027 award should be sent by email to: Angela Klink, AVS Director of Member Programs, by March 31, 2026.


  • To recognize outstanding research or technological innovation in the fields of interest to the AVS and PVS, including surface science. 
  • To recognize leadership in research collaboration at the international level.
  • To open or strengthen avenues of engagement between the Awardee and the scientific community of Poland, in areas of interest to the AVS and PVS.

Obligations of the Awardee

The 2027 Awardee will visit Poland in 2027. The visit will normally consist of a 2-day (minimum) visit to a single major research institution or conference in Poland. The Awardee will submit a trip report to the AVS for the benefit of interested parties.

Nature of the Award

The Award consists of a plaque, economy-class airfare to and from Poland, and an allowance of up to $1,000 for additional receipted expenses. 


The nominee must be actively engaged in research, and employed by an organization in North America.  The nominee must be a single individual; nominations of more than one person will not be considered.The award will be granted without further restriction with the exception that current members of the AVS Board of Directors, as well as AVS members of the special committee responsible for this Award, are not eligible.

Establishment and Support

The Award was established in 2010 to commemorate the pioneering efforts of T.E. Madey in the field of surface processes at a fundamental atomic and molecular level and his leadership in international interactions of the AVS. The Madey family provided the initial endowment.

The award is given biennially. If the corpus is severely diminished so that in the longer term it is unable to support an award every two years, the President of AVS may decide to change the award frequency without restriction. The Award shall survive a significant governance change of the AVS. The fiduciary responsibility to transfer the award to an appropriate successor organization is acknowledged by the AVS.


2021 - Thomas Orlando

2019 - Frances Ross

2017 - Michael Tringides

2015  - Barbara Garrison and Nicholas Winograd

2011 - John Yates, Jr.