Awards > Division Group Awards > Applied Surface Science Division Peter Sherwood Award

Applied Surface Science Division - Peter Sherwood Award

The AVS Applied Surface Science Division (ASSD) Peter M. A. Sherwood Mid-Career Professional Award recognizes achievements leading to exceptional progress in research and development made by professionals in their mid-career in an area of interest to the ASSD. The award consists of a cash award plus a plaque. The nomination deadline is April 14, 2025. The nomination package must contain the nomination form, nominating letter, biographical materials and three supporting letters. The Awardee will give a featured talk at the AVS International Symposium where the award will be presented. The Award will be made only if an appropriate candidate is identified.


  1. The nominee should be in "mid career", having between approximately 10 to 20 years’ experience in a field of interest to the AVS ASSD.
  2. The nominee must have made sustained and outstanding scientific and technical contributions in research, engineering, technical advancement or academic education, and show potential for further advancement of that field.
  3. The nominee must be a member of the AVS ASSD.
  4. The candidate cannot be a Fellow of the AVS, or  have received an AVS National Award (except AVS National Student Awards) previously.
  5. The nominee cannot be a member of the ASSD Executive Committee nor the ASSD Award Committee at the time of nomination and selection.

Nomination Procedure:

  1. Download and complete the Nomination Form.
  2. Include a letter explaining the nominee’s sustained and outstanding scientific and technical contributions in research, engineering, technical advancement or academic education, and potential for further advancement of that field.
  3. Obtain an up-to-date C.V. for the candidate including academic and employment background, professional honors, and publications. The inclusion of quantitative metrics for the evaluation of technical contributions, such as number of citations and patents, are strongly recommended.
  4. Contact at least two (2) additional people and up to three (3) people who will write a one (1) page letter in support of the nomination. They MUST be current members of AVS.
  5. A member may nominate only one person for the Award for each annual submission.
  6. All documents including the Nomination Form and the supporting letters should be sent to the ASSD Awards committee at
  7. Ensure that the complete package reaches AVS ASSD Awards committee before the submission deadline.

Evaluation of the Nomination:

The nomination packet for the Award will be evaluated by the ASSD Award Committee. The members of the committee and its Chair will be selected by the ASSD Chair of that year.

Peter Sherwood Award winners

2024 Alexander Pirkl of IONTOF GmbH “outstanding contributions to advance the fundamentals and applications of Orbitrap SIMS.”

2023 Jean-Sabin McEwen of Washington State University “for providing fundamental mechanistic insights into single-site catalytic reactions.”

2022 Mark Biesinger of Surface Science Western "for his innovative and pragmatic spectral analysis, pioneering thinking and formative contributions in the field of XPS."

2021 Daniel J. Graham of University of Washington "for his seminal contributions in the multivariate analysis of ToF-SIMS data." Alex Shard and Peter Sherwood will be presenting the award and plaque to him virtually."

2020 Christopher Szakal of National Institute of Standards and Technology "for his outstanding contributions to the application of SIMS analysis in biomolecular imaging, nanoparticle analysis, and nuclear safety."

2018 Zihua Zhu of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory "for his focus in the development
of novel approaches and methods for invacuo analysis at liquid/solid, liquid/liquid and
liquid/vacuum interfaces by TOF-SIMS with applications in electrochemistry, battery
technologies, biofilms and aerosols."

2017 Felix Kollmer of IONTOF “for his development of significant technological advancements
related to TOF-SIMS analytical instrumentation, specifically the Bi and BiMn cluster ion sources,
and for analytical improvements in spectrometer technology, and high spatial resolution imaging.”

2016 Gregory Fisher of Physical Electronics “for his contributions to fundamental and applied
surface science studies, from chemical bonding of molecular layers to biological systems, and
for novel platform improvements integrating TOF-SIMS with FIB and MS/MS technologies.”

2014 Lara Gamble of the University of Washington “For her contributions towards the
development and application of surface analysis methods for obtaining detailed information
about the structure of proteins, peptides and DNA on surfaces and her pioneering use of TOF-SIMS.”