Awards > Current Awardees 2021


This year, AVS honors the following awardees:


Tony F. Heinz, Stanford University, “For seminal contributions to the field of 2D materials, including the ground-breaking discoveries of the distinctive electronic and optical properties of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconductors”

This award recognizes and encourages outstanding accomplishments in the fields of interest to AVS. The award consists of a cash award, a medal, a plaque, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.



Darrell Schlom, Cornell University, “For pioneering contributions to the development of molecular-beam epitaxy for the growth of complex oxides and its judicious application to create oxides with unparalleled properties”

This award recognizes outstanding research or technological innovation in the areas of interest to AVS with emphasis on the fields of thin films, plasma processing, and related topics. The award is conferred biennially as a suitable candidate may be identified. The award consists of a cash award, a commemorative plaque stating the nature of the award, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.



Bharat Jalan, University of Minnesota, “For excellence and international leadership in metal-organic molecular-beam epitaxy of complex oxide heterostructures for new electronic materials”
This award recognizes outstanding theoretical or experimental work by an early career scientist or engineer. The award consists of a cash award, a plaque, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium. 

Bio | Newsletter Interview


Bang To, IBM Research, “For continued support of advanced plasma research by excellence in engineering operations and SEM support”
This award recognizes outstanding performance in technical support of research and development.  The award consists of a cash award and a plaque setting forth the reasons for the award. 

Bio | Newsletter Interview


AVS Fellows are Platinum Members who have made sustained and outstanding technical contributions in areas of interest to AVS.
Paul S. Bagus, University of North Texas
“For ground-breaking work on the fundamental understanding of x-ray photoelectron spectra”

Ian Ferguson, Kennesaw State University
“For significant contributions to the growth of compound semiconductor materials and devices for photonic and opto-electronic applications in the IR, visible and UV”

B. Robert Ilic, National Institute of Standards and Technology
“For creation of a revolutionary GDSII CAD design program and fundamental contributions to the understanding of surface functionalization, chemical and biological sensing, dissipation and non-linear dynamics of interacting nanoelectromechanical systems”

Suzanne Mohney, The Pennsylvania State University
“For research on electronic materials and metal/semiconductor contacts, leadership in graduate education, contributions to diversity and retention of students in science and engineering, and service to the profession”

Christopher Muratore, University of Dayton
“For advancing  scalable synthesis of transition metal dichalcogenide films and uncovering their mechanical, thermal, optical and electronic properties for use in diverse applications ranging from tribological coatings to low-cost virus sensors”

Lisa M. Porter, Carnegie Mellon University
“For contributions to understanding the processing and properties of metal-semiconductor contacts and interfaces in wide bandgap semiconductors”

José Rodriguez, Brookhaven National Laboratory
“For seminal contributions to the understanding of reactions associated with desulfurization and C1 chemistry on surfaces of metals, oxides, carbides, and sulfides”

Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany
“For exceptional contributions to the mechanistic understanding of thermal and electro-catalytic reactions based on well-defined nanostructured materials combined with advanced in situ and operando microscopic and spectroscopic characterization”

Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan (Shuttha), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
“For outstanding contributions to the development and application of specialized surface science and high-energy ion scattering capabilities to address materials and environmental problems and sharing his passion with next generation scientists”

Alan Spool, Western Digital Corporation
“For excellence in the fundamentals, data interpretation and application of TOF-SIMS”

Andrew Teplyakov, University of Delaware
“For advances in surface chemical functionalization”

Michael D. Williams, Clark Atlanta University
“For contributions to understanding the kinetics and electronic effects of constituent
migration at semiconductor surfaces and interfaces”

Joshua M.O. Zide, University of Delaware
“For contributions to molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of dissimilar materials heterostructures and interfaces”



There are five (5) top-level named Graduate Student Awards and three (3) Graduate Research Awards, described below. The recipients of these awards are determined after a general competition with all the graduate research applicants and a presentation to the Awards Committee.


The Russell and Sigurd Varian Award was established in 1982 to commemorate the pioneering work of Russell and Sigurd Varian. It is presented to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The award is supported by Agilent Technologies Vacuum Products Division. It consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.

Sayantan Mahapatra, University of Illinois at Chicago
Syantan performs angstrom-scale chemical analysis of surface-supported nanostructures using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.



The Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award was established in 1989, in the spirit of Nellie Yeoh Whetten, to recognize and encourage excellence by women in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. A fund to support the award was established by Timothy J. Whetten, friends and family of Nellie Yeoh Whetten, and AVS. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.

Minh Nhat Tran, New York University
Mihn Nhat’s research focuses on quantum cutting in ytterbium-doped halide perovskites to increase solar cell efficiencies beyond the Shockley-Quessier limit.



The Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Award was established in 2002 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. It is funded by a bequest from Dorothy M. Hoffman, who was president of AVS in 1974 and held other positions of responsibility in the Society. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.

Dongxue Du, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dongxue investigates tuning the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of multifunctional thin films and membranes grown with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).



The Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarships were established in 2002 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. They are funded by a bequest from Dorothy M. Hoffman. The scholarships consist of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.

Marie Turano, Loyola University Chicago
Marie investigates how the chemical and structural properties of catalytically active crystalline metal surfaces evolve with oxygen coverage.

Chenghao Wan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chenghao’s uses insulator-metal phase-change materials to enable thin-film optics, thermal emission engineering, and tunable photonic devices.



The Graduate Research Awards were established in 1984 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. Each consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.

Michelle Brann, University of Chicago
Who is examining ice chemistry interactions and reactions, to understand molecular complexity and abundances in terrestrial and astrophysical environments.

Trevor Donadt, Cornell University
Who is studying molecular-scale polymer thin film and nanoparticle design to program the behavior of bacteria.

Sarah Zaccarine, Colorado School of Mines
Who uses several multi-scale microscopic and spectroscopic characterization techniques to study polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and electrolyzer catalysts, catalyst layers, and electrodes.

For more information, please contact Angela Klink, AVS,