Awards Committee

Trustee (2022-2024)

Sidney Cohen

Weizmann Institute of Science
email: sidney_cohen @

SIDNEY COHEN is a Senior Research Fellow and head of the Surface Analysis Laboratory at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. He received his Ph.D. from the Weizmann in 1988 and then spent 2 years as a postdoctoral fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center where he began working with the scanning probe microscope (SPM). Since returning to the Weizmann in 1990, he has specialized in SPM applications in various aspects of nanoscience.

He has published widely in the peer-reviewed literature in varied fields, including nanomechanics, photovoltaics, nanoelectronics, nanolithography, and nanoeducation, including  several book chapters and invited reviews on related topics. Sidney was selected as AVS Fellow in 2020 for sustained innovations in the application of atomic force microscopy.

He is very active in the Israel Vacuum Society (IVS), having served on the board for over 20 years in capacity of President, Treasurer, and Board Member at large. He formulated the cooperation agreement between the IVS and AVS, and is currently IVS liaison with international organizations. He served on the executive committee of the AVS Nanoscale Science and Technology Division (NSTD) as vice-chair, chair and (currently) program chair as well as member-at-large. Sidney represents the IVS on the Nanoscale Structures Division of the IUVSTA, and served as both secretary and vice-chair of the executive board of that division.

He has served on the editorial board of several journals, and is currently associate editor for Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. He was on the organizing committees of over 30 international conferences, 14 as chair or co-chair. He also has served on multiple nano-related groups, initiatives and scientific review committees, as well as those in educational areas.