The technical structure of AVS is organized as a matrix. Members can participate in one or more Divisions or Technical Groups, each of which is focused around a major topical area. Members may also participate in Chapters and Student Chapters, which are regional organizations that focus on local area needs.

AVS Tennessee Valley Chapter

Advancing the Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

Geographically, the AVS Tennessee Valley Chapter, is comprised of the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. Any National AVS member residing in this five-state area is a member of the AVSTVC. The Chapter encourages participation in Chapter-sponsored events by all interested parties, members and nonmembers alike. The chapter bylaws may be viewed here

Short courses are offered whenever there is sufficient interest, usually in late fall and/or late spring. Any course sanctioned by the National organization can be taught, and can be tailored to specific local interests. For further information, contact the AVS Short Course Coordinator, Heather Korff,; 530-896-0477.