The technical structure of AVS is organized as a matrix. Members can participate in one or more Divisions or Technical Groups, each of which is focused around a major topical area. Members may also participate in Chapters and Student Chapters, which are regional organizations that focus on local area needs.

AVS Prairie Chapter

Advancing the Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing

The American Vacuum Society (AVS) Prairie Chapter is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to advancing the science and technology of vacuum, materials, surfaces, interfaces, thin films, and plasmas. The AVS promotes communication, dissemination of knowledge, recommended practices, research, and education in the use of vacuum and other controlled environments to develop new materials, process technology, devices, and related understanding of material properties for the betterment of humanity.

The AVS is comprised of approximately 4,500 members worldwide. It is organized into: Technical Divisions & Groups, Regional & Student Chapters, and International Affiliates.

The Prairie Chapter covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and eastern Wisconsin. We serve members and their community through:

  • Meetings & symposia
  • Invited speakers
  • Short courses
  • Educational outreach
  • Equipment exhibits
  • Student awards

2018 AVS Prairie Chapter Symposium - Invited speakers and organizers
(L to R): Dan Killelea (Loyola, Chapter chair), Thomas Orlando (GA Tech), Melissa Hines (Cornell), Steven Sibener (UChicago, meeting chair), David Flaherty (UIUC, Early Career Awardee)

2018 AVS Prairie Chapter Early Career Research Awardee David Flaherty (left, UIUC).  
Prof. Flaherty received the ‘heaviest award in science’ from the AVS Prairie chapter.

2018 AVS Prairie Chapter Student Poster Award Winners.  
(L to R) Tim Grabnic (UChicago), Brittney Gorman (UIUC), and Tobias Morris (Indiana) with chapter chair, Dan Killelea