Your Society in New England for Analytical Technologies, Instrumentation, Optical, Electrical and Biomaterials
The AVS Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing, New England Chapter includes Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine with more than 1200 members.
The AVS/NE is a non-profit volunteer-based organization dedicated to advancing the science and technology of vacuum, materials, surfaces, interfaces, thin films and plasmas.
We promote communication, the dissemination of knowledge, recommended practices, research, and education in the use of vacuum and other environments to develop new materials, process technology, devices and a better understanding of material properties for the benefit of humanity.
We sponsor education of students and teachers at high schools and colleges in the areas of vacuum and science (including awards to high school science teachers and students) and organize training opportunities in the form of symposia, talks and training for those working in vacuum science and related fields.
AVS is an affiliated organization of the American Institute of Physics.
Join us for our Spring and Fall Dinner Meetings, and the annual Symposium with Technical Talks, Short Courses, and Vendor Exhibition.
Anyone interested in further information about the activities of the local chapter should contact either the Chairman, Peter Somssich, at 978-646-3925, Cheryl Santarelli (Admin) at 603-568-7473 (, or the Chapter email:
More information can be found on the national AVS website at