Recent Winners of VTD Early Career Award
Alex Tingle, Cold Quanta, receives the 2022 Vacuum Technology Division Early Career Award from Jacob Ricker (left) and Yevgeniy Lushtak after her talk “Much to Do About Nothing:” Advancing Compact UHV Packages for a “Quantum Everywhere” Future.
Steven Schowalter, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was the Vacuum Technology Division 2018 Early Career Award Winner. He received the award for innovative approaches to vacuum design in spaceflight instrumentation and presented the talk titled “The Development of the Spacecraft Atmosphere Monitor” at AVS 65 in Long Beach, CA.
2017 VTD Early Career Award was presented to
Scott Heinbuch, MKS Instruments, Inc. for innovative approaches to vacuum system design for industrial testing environments and improving the vacuum testing method for MKS experimental gauges.
- Sam Posen, from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is the VTD Early Career Award Winner for AVS63. His research on Nb3Sn thin film coatings for superconducting RF (SRF) has huge impacts on the field of particle accelerator science and technology. Sam was the first to clearly demonstrate that there is a very promising future for SRF technology beyond traditional niobium, which is approaching the theoretical performance limits. He will be giving a talk titled “Saving Megawatts in a Micron: Tailoring the Surfaces of Superconducting RF Cavities” at 4:20 PM, Tuesday November 8th, 2016.
- James Burst, Research Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory for Vacuum Technology Insights into Thin Film Photovoltaic Research.
Jason D. Myers, the first winner of the Vacuum Technology Division Early Career award, awarded at the AVS61 in Baltimore. As part of the award, Jason gave an invited talk “Novel Vacuum Processing of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Materials”. Jason received his Ph.D. in 2011 and is a Materials Research Engineer at the US Naval Research Laboratory.